Sunday, October 5, 2014

"I approve this message..."

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Well, it's that time of year.  Yep, FOOTBALL season!  Yeah, and political attack ad season.  And, honestly, I'm not sure which is worse.  Don't get me wrong, I live, breathe and bleed, Iowa Hawkeyes and Cleveland Browns football.  Yes, I bleed Black and Gold, and Brown and Orange (on Sundays). That is, when I'm not pissing, moaning and changing the channel to avoid those asinine political ads about him, her, them, whoever, in an effort to get me to become one of the sheep.  But, it also seems as though there's a want or need of that same corrupt political process included with football, whether it's college or professional.  For the professional proof, just through a stick and just about any player you hit has been guilty of something (hello, Ray Rice, Jonathan Dwyer, Adrian Peterson, Josh Gordon, etc.).  And, if you need any college references, there's always Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston of Felony State University, or, even closer to home, look at the alleged quarterback controversy (which Coach Ferentz denies) between Jake Rudock and CJ Beathard.

  Whether or not you agree with Coach Ferentz, that there isn't a QB controversy, all you have to do is talk to any Hawkeye fan, or listen to any local sportstalk radio program (i.e. the All Players Club on KGYM, my personal favorite).  All I can say is, if there isn't a controversy, then why the hell is everyone bringing it up???  The Hawkeyes are 4-1 overall and 1-0 in Big Ten play, and all everyone can talk about is who should be the quarterback. I know nobody cares what I think, however, I say, STFU!!!  Granted, I don't necessarily like it when the Hawks do their best impression of the Cardiac Kids and win the game in the last minutes of the game, but at least, THEY ARE WINNING!!!  Can't we just enjoy the fact that they are winning???

  And, on the pro level, why is everyone so appalled about what all these "role models" are being found guilty of doing?  Oh, wait, that's a little redundant isn't it?  We've put these overpaid athletes so freaking high on a pedestal, and got our kids believing they're super heroes, and then are shocked when they find out they are just human beings.  SMDH  Everyone is entitled to the opinion, however, why doesn't everyone concentrate on raising their kids, spending time with them, helping them with their homework, playing with them, etc., instead of helping them believe in false idols?  Now, I don't believe every athlete is bad.  But, I also don't believe that every athlete is entitled to super hero status just because they rush for thousands of yards every year, or hit hundreds of home runs, or have won a bunch of championships.  And, this is going to be an unpopular opinion (like I care), but do you know who I blame?  THE PARENTS!!!  That's right.  Yes, the world has changed. But, where the hell did corporal punishment go?  I don't believe in abusing children, but I also don't believe in "time outs" either.  In my opinion, Newton was right, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."  Maybe if parents utilized a more disciplined approach (and I don't mean beating the children) to raising their kids, maybe we wouldn't have some of the problems that we have in the world. I'm entitled to my opinion, so it doesn't matter whether you agree with me, or whether you're wrong.  Enough on this.

  Now to the mud slinging.  Election day is just around the corner, and though it's not the big one, it is important to get out and vote. If you don't vote, you can't bitch. Granted, the voting system isn't perfect (i.e. Florida Presidential elections of the past), however, if you don't participate then shut your piehole! Now, I'm not a Political Science major, but I feel I'm well-versed enough it what's going on to be able to make my own decision as to who I would prefer to be in office.  Albeit, I don't necessarily trust any of the candidates or incumbents involved.  I think Shakespeare was off a little in Henry The Sixth when we wrote, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." Granted, some, if not most lawyers seek higher office, but if we could get something like the movie "Mars Attacks," with the Martians wiping out Congress and the President in one fell swoop, wouldn't that cut out the middle man???  Could it really hurt if it happened?  LOL

  I guess my biggest rub about politicians and athletes is their wages.  I know, I know, politicians are responsible for some very big decisions and are supposed to lead this country into a better life.  I just wish that they had to work on a piece-rate wage, where they only get paid for their productivity.  When I see stuff like this following graphic, and realize that not only do we pay politicians waaaay too much, but then you look at the wages of the pro athletes, it just pisses me off! I wish they'd just make the athletes earn their pay the same way, too!  You earn more if you win, less if you lose.  Bet things would change.

 That being said, I will leave you all for now, as I need to go check on my fantasy football teams.  Oh, and I need to help my beautiful lady take care of our new foster fur kids.  We are now foster parents for rescue dogs (well, actually she's the foster parent, I'm just along for the ride.  LOL).  We currently have 3 lovely 2-year old Pomeranians staying with us, and unfortunately, the little prince, Cassidy, isn't too fond of it right now.  Pretty sure he'll come around, but isn't too sure right now.  Trust me when I tell you, life is good.  Can't honestly tell you when I've actually said that in the past couple of years, but I can say it now.  I'm loving life and my woman!  So, I will leave you all with this little gem of a tune by a little group called The Kinks until next time.  Enjoy!
Peace, Love and Karma to all my minions!

I'm out!

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