Monday, February 24, 2014

So this guy walks into a bar....

He has a couple of drinks, shots, etc., and bullshits with his friends and other patrons of the fine drinking establishment.  He then goes to another bar where he has a couple more drinks and shots, bullshits with more friends and patrons, and even makes a couple new friends.  And, then, he goes to another bar to partake in even more beverages of an adult nature with friends and patrons.  This fine young gentleman, if you have guessed by now, would be yours truly.  I know, I shouldn't be doing that, having drinks, a good time, flirting, and then driving home.  I know all about the dangers of doing that, so don't comment below on how irresponsible I'm being.  Suffice it to say, I arrived alive, and did not hit, kill or maim anyone or any animals on the way home.

But, then........then, I turned into something I detest.  I became one of "them" and by that I mean, I started drunk Facebooking!  And, it's not the first time either.  I've done it a time or two before, but this last time really bugged me.  The reason it bugged me most of all is, I don't freaking remember actually doing it!  I said something along the lines of, "Life sucks" and I don't quite understand why.  I was out with some friends having a "few"
drinks, laughing, joking and flirting, and I was in a good mood.  Granted, life does suck, but wasn't sucking at that moment.  I thought someone might have hacked me, but my phone was on my person the entire time.  So, unless my butt does more than dial (among other things), I did, indeed, do it.  

Over the past month or so, I've gone through some......stuff.  I'm not going to go into, really, but suffice it to say I've come out of a relationship with a wonderful woman, who really deserves better than I could give her.  And, I guess, that's when I turned into one of "them."  I let me emotions get the better of me, and I wallowed in a little bit of self-pity.  We all do it, but I decided to broadcast it via Facebook, and in doing so, I joined the infamous group of whiners that seem to think it's okay to tell the world their problems and thus, fish for sympathy and compliments to make themselves feel better.  I never thought I'd ever do that, and for that, I apologize.

So, starting now, I'm going to do something I never thought I would do.  No, I'm not going to stop drinking.  That would be crazy, not to mention
hypocritical of me to even attempt to make that claim.  What I'm going to do is, no longer accept any responsibility for anything that comes across my Facebook wall via my phone, unless it's me simply "checking in" at an establishment.  I will deny, deny, deny any claim made "allegedly" by me or about me, unless there is bona fide proof (via un-photoshopped pictures or any video) that I did, indeed, partake in said frivolities.  And, that's not to say I won't partake either. 

There you have it, folks.  I'm turning over a new leaf.  I'm gonna behave.  That means the next time I walk into a bar, it's gonna be something like this...

Alright, my minions, that's all for now.  I'm out!

Peace, Love and Karma to you all!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

"I get by with a little help from my friends..."

A truer song has never been sung.  I honestly don't know where I would be without my friends.  And, my family, too, of course.  Blood, step, or extended, it doesn't matter.  I wouldn't be alive today without them.  Everyone of them has been there for me, through thick or thin, high or low, here and there.

"What would you think if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me?"

Most of my friends, whether they noticed or not, wouldn't say anything if I did.  Mostly, because they'd be up there with me singing, or they'd be too drunk to walk out of the bar.  LOL And, that's just one of the things that makes my friends the greatest people on the planet!  Really, it's a minor thing, too, in the grand scheme.  My friends have brought me back from the brink so many times, I've lost count.  Not that I'm a basket case, or manic-depressive, or schizophrenic, or a complete psychopath, mind you.  Anyone that knows me will tell you, I'm just not all there sometimes.  I tend to fly by the seat of my pants, while wearing my heart on my sleeve.  And, to be honest, I'm really surprised that I've made it this far in life.  Granted, I almost didn't make it this far.  However, and I hate to admit this, I am in the process of changing my ways.  I'm actually working out regularly, and eating as healthy as I can. Well, healthier than I was previously anyway.

"Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key"

I'd like to believe that my song is a happy one, too.  Now, anyone that knows me knows that hasn't always been the case.  And, I'm kind of weird (shocker) in that I like to put my life to music by expressing myself in the songs I listen to depending on how I'm feeling at the time.  And, I have a tendency to delve deep into the library of music from my life to portray those feelings.  I have songs tucked away in the dark places of my mind from my childhood (60s and 70s) that I can attribute to just about any state of mind I might be in. If you have any questions, just check out my playlists on Spotify.  And, I would recommend Spotify over Pandora again and again.  For those of you who don't know, Spotify lets you pick the songs you listen to and put in a playlist, where Pandora simply picks the songs for you based on the song/artist that you want to listen to.  Anyway, once you join Spotify (it is free, too), look me up and you can check out the multifarious selections that I listen to on a regular basis.  

"What do I do when my love is away?
(Does it worry you to be alone?)
How do I feel by the end of the day?
(Are you sad because you're on your own?)"

Anyone that tells you that they don't mind being alone, is full of shit!  Just saying.  Now, that doesn't mean all the time, mind you.  Because there are some people that like to be alone, according to them, anyway.  But, you can't tell me that, given the chance to be with that someone who makes them smile, laugh, cry, etc., they'd rather be all by their lonesome.  Believe me, I know!  I've been there, done that, got the shirt and wear the hat.  I've been married twice, involved with another woman for 6-1/2 years, dated others for even shorter amounts of time, and still cannot get it right.  And, I know I'll keep trying, too, because I hate being alone.  Especially when I'm wallowing in self-pity.  I'd rather share that with others.  (Not really.)  

"(Would you believe in a love at first sight?)
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time
(What do you see when you turn out the light?)
I can't tell you, but I know it's mine"

And, there you have it.  Yes, I do believe in love at first sight.  I also believe that it happens a lot, too.  I say that, because it's happened to me at least twice in my life. Unfortunately, neither time worked out like I wanted it.  The first time, was actually my second marriage.  From the first time I saw LeAnn, I was smitten.  I actually told the mutual friend who introduced us, Eric, "That's the girl I'm gonna marry."  And, I did, too. Surprisingly, it was a departure from my standard idea of what I like in a woman, red hair and, to put it bluntly, very nice boobs.  I will admit it, I'm a boob man.  Although, that's not the first thing I notice in a woman.  Usually, it's her eyes.  As Shakespeare put it, "The Eyes are the window to your soul."  I don't know whether I agree with him or not, but I do know the eyes are the way to my heart.  And, therein lies the rub.  I become pretty much oblivious to my surroundings and everything going on once I make eye contact with a woman who has eyes anywhere close to resembling these:
Or, at least, I used to.  Too many times I've been let down, hurt, lied to by their eyes. And, I'm not going to do let that happen again.  It's not that I want to be alone.  It's just that I'm no longer worried about being in a relationship.  I've created a new mantra for myself, and it's pretty simple.  In a nutshell, I've "gotta research where the best location for random acts of carnal activity with a variety of anonymous females would best be served."  No more falling in love for this guy.
With that, my friends, I will bid you adieu.  Until next time, remember, it doesn't matter where you go, there you are.  As I've said in the past, I do welcome suggestions, ideas, comments, anecdotes, etc., on this or any previous blog of mine.  I'd also like to welcome any ideas for my next blog, too, unless you truly do enjoy my spewing off the top of my head.  LOL  That's all for now, boys and girls.  I'm out!

Peace, Love and Karma to you all!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Young, dumb and full

Hello again.

Welcome back to my little slice of reality.  It's been a little while since I've jumped back into the fray, but that's only because I've been busy.  Doing what, you ask?  Well, that's another story for another time.  Maybe.  Not sure how I'd flesh that one out without hurting someone else.  So, let's just pushed that aside and concentrate on this story.

This post is about my first experience into what I believed to be love.  As the title states, I was young, dumb and full of, well, yeah.  I was never one for dating anyone I went to school with.  It wasn't from a lack of wanting to, but I wasn't exactly the bravest when it came to asking girls out.  I wasn't exactly the dashing and debonair stud back then, that you've all come to know and love.  I was a fat, weird kid back then, not that that has changed a whole hell of a lot.  Not as shy, but what I lack in shyness has manifested itself in stupidity.  I just can't seem to get it right.

Anyway, it's not like I never dated anyone I went to school with, actually.  There was one or two, but they shall remain nameless.  This chronicle involves what would later become my first of many mistakes in the field of romantic relationships.  I refer to my first marriage.  We were both students in high school when we met.  She was from the Quad Cities area, and I met her in Washington, D.C., of all places.  

We were part of a program called Close Up, and if you ever get the chance to send your kid(s) to this, I would strongly suggest it!  You can check out the info about it here:  Sorry, but I still feel that this should be a part of every school's curriculum.  If we start teaching the future generations right about how screwed up our government is, maybe, just maybe, they can do something about it.  What happens is you spend a week in D.C., and get to experience many aspects of the government in action, but also get to partake in other activities as well.  Anyway, we met there, had some fun, and then proceeded to get to know each other after we got back.  

We spent a lot of time together, even though it was a long-distance ordeal.  Looking back, I wouldn't call it a relationship now.  That would infer a connection of some kind.  I think I was fooling myself when I believed that she was only seeing me, even though I had no solid proof to prove otherwise.  I think I wanted to believe it.  Long story short, we dated much of the Spring and Summer of my senior year (her junior year), and then I left that August for my stint in the Army.  ****And, at the chance of sounding like a fucking recruiter, I would say that military service is something every young man or woman should consider.  Even though it didn't work out for me, it did take me around the world (South Korea, Okinawa, Japan and Australia) and showed me things I never would have seen had I not enlisted.

I loved the fact that I had a "girl back home" that I would write to, and call when I could.  And, she would write back, too.  I know, weird, hunh?  Well, suffice it to say, I proposed to her over the phone when she informed me that she was pregnant with my son.  Being filled with the excitement that involved being told I was going to be a father, I decided that "my son" was not going to be born without my last name.  No bastard here, thank you very much!  So, against many, many, many people's better judgement, we were married.

Well, as it turns out, I'm thinking I was on dope.  And, it wasn't even the good stuff, either.  Had it been, well, I wouldn't have been in the Army for the 3 years I signed up for, but I wouldn't have cared about being married to a psychopath, either.  But, I might still be married to said woman, and that's absolutely the last thing I would want.  I'm sure she's a fabulous person nowadays (she actually sent me a Facebook friend request which I quickly declined) but the only person in her family that I ever got along with, and still talk to once in a while, is her oldest sister.  We seemed to hit it off right from the start, and we still have remained "friends" to this day.  So, it wasn't a complete loss!  LOL

I'd like to say that my son was also one of the good things to come out of the "relationship," but, as I've mentioned in a previous positing, he wants nothing to do with me.  As much as it pains me to know this, I respect his wishes, and don't try to contact him.  And, that's all I'm gonna say about that.

So, I hope I haven't bored you too much.  As I indicated in my initial posting, this is my therapeutic way of dealing with shit.  So, if you've enjoyed it, great.  If not, oh well.  You all be good to each other!  I'm out!

Peace, Love and Karma to you all!!!