Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Young, dumb and full

Hello again.

Welcome back to my little slice of reality.  It's been a little while since I've jumped back into the fray, but that's only because I've been busy.  Doing what, you ask?  Well, that's another story for another time.  Maybe.  Not sure how I'd flesh that one out without hurting someone else.  So, let's just pushed that aside and concentrate on this story.

This post is about my first experience into what I believed to be love.  As the title states, I was young, dumb and full of, well, yeah.  I was never one for dating anyone I went to school with.  It wasn't from a lack of wanting to, but I wasn't exactly the bravest when it came to asking girls out.  I wasn't exactly the dashing and debonair stud back then, that you've all come to know and love.  I was a fat, weird kid back then, not that that has changed a whole hell of a lot.  Not as shy, but what I lack in shyness has manifested itself in stupidity.  I just can't seem to get it right.

Anyway, it's not like I never dated anyone I went to school with, actually.  There was one or two, but they shall remain nameless.  This chronicle involves what would later become my first of many mistakes in the field of romantic relationships.  I refer to my first marriage.  We were both students in high school when we met.  She was from the Quad Cities area, and I met her in Washington, D.C., of all places.  

We were part of a program called Close Up, and if you ever get the chance to send your kid(s) to this, I would strongly suggest it!  You can check out the info about it here:  Sorry, but I still feel that this should be a part of every school's curriculum.  If we start teaching the future generations right about how screwed up our government is, maybe, just maybe, they can do something about it.  What happens is you spend a week in D.C., and get to experience many aspects of the government in action, but also get to partake in other activities as well.  Anyway, we met there, had some fun, and then proceeded to get to know each other after we got back.  

We spent a lot of time together, even though it was a long-distance ordeal.  Looking back, I wouldn't call it a relationship now.  That would infer a connection of some kind.  I think I was fooling myself when I believed that she was only seeing me, even though I had no solid proof to prove otherwise.  I think I wanted to believe it.  Long story short, we dated much of the Spring and Summer of my senior year (her junior year), and then I left that August for my stint in the Army.  ****And, at the chance of sounding like a fucking recruiter, I would say that military service is something every young man or woman should consider.  Even though it didn't work out for me, it did take me around the world (South Korea, Okinawa, Japan and Australia) and showed me things I never would have seen had I not enlisted.

I loved the fact that I had a "girl back home" that I would write to, and call when I could.  And, she would write back, too.  I know, weird, hunh?  Well, suffice it to say, I proposed to her over the phone when she informed me that she was pregnant with my son.  Being filled with the excitement that involved being told I was going to be a father, I decided that "my son" was not going to be born without my last name.  No bastard here, thank you very much!  So, against many, many, many people's better judgement, we were married.

Well, as it turns out, I'm thinking I was on dope.  And, it wasn't even the good stuff, either.  Had it been, well, I wouldn't have been in the Army for the 3 years I signed up for, but I wouldn't have cared about being married to a psychopath, either.  But, I might still be married to said woman, and that's absolutely the last thing I would want.  I'm sure she's a fabulous person nowadays (she actually sent me a Facebook friend request which I quickly declined) but the only person in her family that I ever got along with, and still talk to once in a while, is her oldest sister.  We seemed to hit it off right from the start, and we still have remained "friends" to this day.  So, it wasn't a complete loss!  LOL

I'd like to say that my son was also one of the good things to come out of the "relationship," but, as I've mentioned in a previous positing, he wants nothing to do with me.  As much as it pains me to know this, I respect his wishes, and don't try to contact him.  And, that's all I'm gonna say about that.

So, I hope I haven't bored you too much.  As I indicated in my initial posting, this is my therapeutic way of dealing with shit.  So, if you've enjoyed it, great.  If not, oh well.  You all be good to each other!  I'm out!

Peace, Love and Karma to you all!!!

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